JXT carbon carrier purification device
Working principle
Both in catalytic deoxidization and chemical deoxidization, need hydrogen, but lack of hydrogen source in some areas, specially set up ammonia decomposition hydrogen production device, such as the production environment and does not allow or users or not, therefore, we use carbon load purification devices, under a certain temperature, but the residual of oxygen and carbon catalyst with carbon oxidation reaction: The CO2 generated by C+O2 was removed by pressure switch adsorption process and deeply dehydrated to obtain high purity nitrogen (99.9995%).It requires regular addition of carbon deoxidizer and does not require the use of hydrogen.
The system has advanced technology, good stability and high purity of nitrogen.

Technical indicators
◆ Nitrogen content: 10-1000Nm3/h
◆ Nitrogen purity: ≥99.9995%
Oxygen content: ≤5PPm dew point: ≤-60℃

Technical characteristics
◆ Good stability, oxygen content is strictly controlled under 5PPm;
◆ High purity, nitrogen purity ≥99.9995%;
◆ Low water content, dew point ≤-60℃;
◆ H2 free, suitable for hydrogen, oxygen have strict requirements of the process.